Trace <CXP/> code execution

Code tracing is turned off by default. For this page, however, code tracing has been turned on by setting the page trace directive to "yes". Note, a page directive needs to be placed at the beginning of your <CXP/> file!

<%#Page trace="yes"%>

To view the trace output, start DebugView on your workstation. In the event that you have not installed DebugView yet, you can download the utility from here:

Alternatively, you can execute DebugView directly from
Click here to run DebugView now!

Note that security settings may require you to be logged in as an Administrator. If errors occur when running DebugView or when enabling tracing, use the "Run as Administrator" option to run DebugView, or if you are using Windows Vista or above, disable User Account Control (UAC).

More details about what DebugView is all about can be found here.

Once the DbgView utility has been started, start capturing of trace events by enabling Capture -> Global Win32 Events in the menubar.

Afterwards, any trace output made during page execution will become visible in the log. Just reload/refresh the <CXP/> page and you will see the trace data. In fact, tracing is a great tool for monitoring page execution and for outputting debug information.